United Parents of South Carolina - what we stand for and our updated mission statement
October 17th 2021 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Maggie Marlow
Attendees: UPSC members and guests
• Terrye Seckinger - SC Commissioner of Higher Education • Maurice Washington - Charleston County GOP Chairman.
Call to order
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Announcements:
Moms for Liberty Meeting is this Thursday October 21st 6-7:30 at Mt. Pleasant Town Hall
Please be sure to check your e-mails for the newsletters (it is coming from GBHWellness.com). It will have the meeting minutes as well as a google doc form that will be going out early next week about what issues and concerns we have as constituents for Charleston county specific precincts. The newsletter will also have upcoming events, CTA’s and pertinent forms for schools.
Religious, Medical and Personal Exemptions are still available for masks: If you didn’t obtain the forms they are available at the front for you. There will also be one attached in the newsletter.
V. Speakers - How we can support our community members and representatives and candidates who align with our mission statement.
Kathy Landing: Candidate for Mount Pleasant Mayor.
“You serve because you have a need to give!”
This is a fantastic place to live and we do not need toxic leaders
We need to be more proactive and less reactive, at that point it is too late.
I want to be the mayor for all of Mt. Pleasant, not just the 29464 but also 29466
Mt. Pleasant Ecoalliance in conjunction with Earth Day
I want to build bridges to the future instead of building drawbridges
I want to eliminate impact fees, so I started the opportunity for small businesses….you can come into empty locations with no impact fees for 5 years.
We are not putting small business owners in jail for not complying with irrational mandates
The mayor unilaterally mandatated masks multiple times - How was he doing it?
Chapter 41 Civil Emergencies Act. Which was amended March 9, 2021 to apply ONLY to curfews.
During the existence of a proclaimed state of emergency, the Mayor may impose by proclamation restrictions to establish hours during which a curfew shall be in effect, and, unless otherwise provided in such proclamation, it shall be unlawful for any person to be found on any public property during such periods as designated by Council. Authorized restrictions shall automatically expire on the sixty-first day following the effective date.
This Police and Fireman Ball support them and purchase tickets at: (https://www.tompsc.com/1327/The-First-Annual-Mount-Pleasant-Police-F)
John Iacofano candidate for Mount Pleasant Town Council
The city of Mt. P is a business that needs to be run
Tired of the shenanigans on the city council
Impact fees 250K if you are building something new for 2500sqft restaurant.
I want to localize small businesses within a community instead of driving everywhere.
Indecisveness within the council
We need to increase the plan to 25 years from 10 years so we can make better decisions for our future.
We are acting like we are a town for 50K residents and Mt.P is a town of 90k moving to 125k so we need to scale appropriately.
We need a town council with backbone
All of this needs to come from the people, bottom up!
• Sheri Sebuck candidate for Mount Pleasant Town Council
We need to honor medical freedom and protect our freedoms
If you stay silent you are condoning the behavior
Just listen to her story (Attach the link)
Find a way to stay involved
Gender Queer
Have you signed informed consent for the mask…..you have for everything else in the school.
You need to get to the polls on Novemeber 2nd
We are outnumbered 7 to 1 for votes in the old village
Terrye Seckinger
Charter Schools
Public schools that are FREE and schools of choice
Thematic, STEM, Ecology schools,
The statute is how you start a charter school
They are an excellent board - conservative
1776 School to restore America - Hillsdale
I believe this is the answer to today’s problem in schools
Charter schools are statewide schools
We need more of them in our state
Education the way it should be
We want to help you do it with state money and our kids can go for free
They are not apart of CCSD
The bureaucracy steps aside and parents can step in……
American Entrepreneurship
There is an independent school board for each school
Chris Neally - Head of the Public Charter School System
The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total of the education and the character of our people. Sen. Claiborne Pell
Charleston for it’s size does not have a flagship school in the district.
We need to pay attention to the law, so that we can open up more funds from the counties for structures and transportation
It takes 2 years to get people off the ground
EMO - Education Management
Want to be careful that they are well meaning and have a good reputation nationally - make sure the people are ethical (follow the money)
Our children need this more than ever.
Maurice Washington
The left has made a strong attempt to undo the truth of our nation
The biggest mistake they have made is messing with our children.
CCRP needs your partnership so that we can help you protect our children.
Going at large - November at 2022
5 for 4 years
4 for 2 years
VI. Lawsuits - Update
• Individuals need to be seeking lawyers to fight back.
VII. Education
Ask teachers for their lesson plans, SC curriculum standard, resources they utilize (including secondary resources), means, method and mode by which they intended to teach the standard.
Critical Race Theory - OPT OUT OF SURVEYS! The surveys for SEL are being funded through the government and your children's information is being sold to them. Go to www.panoramaed.com and research this.
We also need to be researching the books in our school libraries. This site has a list of your library books. Please go and see what is available for your children to read. gofollett.com
School Board - Our voices need to be heard. Continue emailing and asking questions.
a) Asking for information, data, science and videos access to what they reviewed while in closed session meetings to determine their decisions.
b) Provisos Relative to COVID-19 Instructional Processes Passed by SC Legislature 2021-2022
• 1.108 (SDE: Mask Mandate Prohibition) • 1.103 (SDE: Public School Virtual Program Funding) • 1A.69 (SDE-EIA: Digital Learning Plan)
THEY WORK FOR US AS ELECTED OFFICIALS! VIII. Social Media – United Parents of South Carolina FB– Invite only group: must have questions filled out for approval. * We need a media specialist to help with our other forums *
Media - media statement is prepared and admins will take all questions from media when UPSC is asked for a statement.
If you speak to the media personally you are not to use the United Parents name or speak on behalf of our group without permission.
Our website is almost up and running! We are VERY excited to have a place where everyone can go for information!
X. Adjournment
INSTAGRAM: @unitedparentssouthcarolina
TELEGRAM: United Parents of South